Orphan Care :
Do You Know ?
In India over 15 million children live as bonded child labor?
More than 18 million children live in the streets, platforms, homeless, and without hope?
Close to 2 million children do not live to see their first birthday?
Over 500,000 are forced into child prostitution?
Over 100 million children in India between 6 to 14 years of age are outside the school system, and therefore highly likely to be used as child labor?
India, one of the largest democracies in the World has a Population of over 1.3 billion as of today. Most of the people in India are living below the poverty line and are facing many problems, viz., lack of food, shelter, health care, education and un-employment and thus the people live in utter poverty. Poverty has always been recognized as the major cause of death and disability. Poverty brings on lack of safe Drinking Water, inadequate food, poor health care and poor education. All these will have effect on health. The poverty situations in Indian context, reflects in the State of Andhra Pradesh. The families in slums and rural areas are normally large and often face the problems and the earning members of the family unable to cope up with the situations. Sometimes they may not get work to earn. Eventually they migrate to other places in search of livelihood or starve to meet death or disease. The struggle of the poor starts in the womb. The child in the womb suffers from the consequences of malnutrition in the mother. The families that are living in slum areas of different places are daily wages laborers. They are living in utter poverty. They are unable to fetch their square meal a day. Some of the parents admitting their children in to the schools . But they are unable to continue their children become they are not able to pay the fees in the school. That’s reason the children are being dropped from the school.
Based on the resources of these orphanages there are little opportunities for donations, and the needs of the children. Many of the children have one or both parents living, but the parents are too poor to care of them, and they ask the pastors and Christian orphanages to provide care and an education for their children. Other children were picked up from trash bins, bus stops, markets, streets and some of their parents died by accident, from illness, or from AIDS.
This is one of a few India orphanages we support and it was started with just 3 street children with a vision of helping the Orphans who number in the millions in India. We want to help as many children as we can. At present there are more than 38 children in this Orphanage that need to have support. All the India orphanages we support are managed on faith. We pray to God to have 200 children in the Orphan home and to help them in providing food, clothes, Shelter and Education. We came and contact with many orphans and semi-orphans who will starve to death unless they are cared for. Many Social Service Organizations are doing yeoman services, but not able to cope up with the growing need. Many children are deprived of the basic needs of life, such as food, clothing, shelter, education etc. They suffer from malnutrition. They were found in the streets, bus stations, public parks, and railway stations. These were their resting places during the nights.
In the orphanage, there are Orphans, Semi Orphan and Street Children . The problem of orphan / street children is due to the deaths of HIV/AIDS affected persons, Re-marriage of deserted / widowed / divorce women, absence of love and security in the families, Family disputes, Unwanted pregnancy of Trafficking / Sexually exploited girls; these orphan and street children are left without care and support. These children are involved in rag picking; pick pocketing and participating in anti-social, criminal activities. Therefore, we envisage mainstreaming these children in the national building by providing care, support protection and Christian education in our ORPHAN CHILDREN HOME.
The orphanage is a part of a gospel ministry. It’s an opportunity the church shares for the hope of Jesus Christ with all orphans on a regular basis through the gospel centered Christian education with the goal of making disciples and planting churches.
Now In these days it is very hard to feed the kids with limited resources. Due to a financial crisis these orphanages are unable to provide quality food, clothing and proper shelter to the orphan kids.
We are desperately in need of support from donors to meet the needs of destitute Kids.
Please extend your kind heart by helping us monetarily in saving the kids out of starvation. We all shall be thankful to you through out our lives. Your every help shall be highly appreciated in the Lord’s Kingdom.
100% of all funds received will go straight to the orphanages with absolutely no fees, administrative costs or overhead.
•To provide Christian education on a regular basis.
• To provide an opportunity for orphans, semi-orphans and poor children to live in a congenial atmosphere with parental love to pursue their education.
• To provide food, shelter, education and clothing for orphans, semi-orphans and destitute children.
• To provide medical care for children who are living in the Home.
• To impart moral values to children, and to strengthen them to become self-reliant.
•To care for at least 200 orphans.
•To purchase a land and construct a permanent building for orphans .
• To provide orphan / semi orphan / street children, a childhood that they never experienced and help them to become useful members of society.
• To encourage orphan / semi orphan / street children to kindle their potential by providing creative opportunities
• To make available a secure place where orphan / semi orphan / street children can play and enjoy their childhood.
• To provide basic education to orphan / semi orphan / street children.
• To provide basic literacy and facilities for those who wish to study further
• To select and prepare for a vocation in order to live on their own abilities
• To accomplish physical, intellectual and aesthetic development of the child.
Basic Needs of Children :
He who has a bountiful eye will be blessed. For he gives of his bread to the poor. (Proverbs 22 : 9)
It is almost an article of faith with the civilized nations that children should have opportunities for the fullest development and growth towards maturity through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. some of the basic needs of child are obvious. They may be broadly enumerated as follows a healthful and nutritional food, comfortable clothing and home that offers protection and safety. Psychological needs like love, affection, security, praise and recognition. Needs for sensory motor development like playing and sensor motor exercises. Opportunities to grow at its own pace without being pushed ahead of its capacity or held back by being biased or over protected.
Therefore we need your support, If the Lord, burdens your heart to support this ministry with its Orphanage Children, this is between you and God. For your Convenience, send your love offerings and Blessings!
100% of all funds received will go straight to the orphanages with absolutely no fees, administrative costs or overhead.
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27 )
(God our Father wants us to look after orphans and widows in their distress)
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
(Proverbs 22:6)